Intervention ’11: Introduction

In a few hours, I will be leaving for the second-ever Intervention.

Created by blogger/developer/webcomic artist Onezumi Hartstein in 2010, Intervention (a combination of “internet” and “convention”) will take place all this weekend, going straight through from noon on Friday to 4PM on Sunday. It will take place in what I’m quickly learning is a fan convention hotspot: the Washington, DC metro area (specifically, Rockville, Maryland). Maybe I should move there from the relatively fan-con-free area of greater Philadelphia.

I met Onezumi during the lead-up to March 2011’s Zenkaikon V here in suburban Philadelphia, at which she was a guest. Conducting an email interview for the convention blog prior to the event, I was touched at how she took the time to include HTML tags in her answers. This woman knew her stuff! I had the pleasure of meeting her in person at Zenkaikon and offered my services as a blogger for her own event.

And here we are!

Exceptionally organized and gathering a large collection of proactive and humorous staff, Intervention is certainly going to be a treat for me. I am looking forward to covering a convention that is primarily focused on Internet culture, which has only been represented partly at the anime conventions I usually frequent/cover. Keep up with the blog and the convention itself at their website or follow along on Twitter. As always, my pieces for the convention will be here on Inochiblog in the days/weeks following the event.

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